Did someone say a CONTEST with PRIZES?
In an effort to raise awareness of the work of Family Excellence, Inc. and Family Excellence Institute, LLC, we are hosting our FIRST EVER Facebook COMPETITION! This initial competition is quite simple and will have three winners. Prizes will include a variety of gift certificates, gift cards, and other items you’re sure to love! So how do you win? Simple! There are three ways you can win in this competition! They are as follows:
First, every person who has “Liked” the family Excellence Institute, LLC Facebook page is automatically entered for a random drawing to win a prize. In other words, if you already “Like” us, no worries; you are already entered for a drawing for one of our prizes! (Please do know that you have to “Like” the page itself and not just this post!)
Second, if you already “Like” us, then encourage your friends to “Like” this page through messaging them, sharing this post, or other creative means AND ask them to POST YOUR NAME ONCE on the Facebook page for Family Excellence Institute, LLC when they “Like” it. The person whose name is posted the most times according to these guidelines (indicating that they helped get the most new “Likes” for the page) will also win a prize! There are no limits to how many new “Likes” you can help us to get, and you will receive one entry into the drawing for each new person “Liking” us who posts your name! (Please do note that those posting your name have to “Like” the page itself and not just a post, picture, etc.!)
Lastly, each person who signs into the Guest Book on our website at
That’s it-two drawings and one outright competition, three ways to win! The cut off time for the competition is noon EST on December 02, 2012! That gives everyone just over two weeks to bring your A-game and compete to help make a difference in the lives of families in the Greenville, SC area by raising awareness of our page and website! So “Like” us, “Share” the contest information, talk us up to your friends, message distant relatives, send carrier pigeons if necessary, and help us get the word out about this contest and the mission of Family Excellence Institute and Family Excellence, Inc.!
The winners will be announced via our Facebook page no later than 11:00 pm on December 3, 2012 and winners will be messaged on Facebook in order to determine how best to deliver the prizes to you! I look forward to seeing the determination, fierce competitive nature, and creativity of each of you over the next roughly sixteen days! May the best person…er, people… win!